Monday, January 2, 2012

How to tackle unwanted questions - Part 1

Well, this one is meant for all those girls who have crossed the age of 25 and are single and their parents coax them everyday with profiles of "suitable matches"! On top of that nosy relatives, colleagues, friends, acquantances, neighbours, maids (list is endless) keep on asking questions for which you don't have any answers. Rather their hopes are built high if they ever see you with a guy. So, post New Year party I decided to compile all those instances which we girls have to face from married, committed, "its complicated" people everyday -

1. "Whom are you chatting with?"
First thought to that question usually is - Aliens. We are going to have an alien attack on Earth soon.
Answer I usually give - Nothing just a friend pinged.
Ideal Answer – My brother/sister is asking me maths questions! And he is so dumb he doesn’t know what is 13^19!

Now depending upon your convincing power the questions which follow these are:

2. "Guy or a Girl"
"Is he single"
"Are you interested in him?"
First thought - I hit upon any guy that talks to me in a day. From milkman in the morning to watchman in the night - no guy is safe from me :P
Answer I usually give - No just a friend.
Ideal Answer: Make up a romantic love-at-first-sight straight out of Mills n Boons story of how that guy is in love with his girl~ And you are just helping him.
Trust me next time they will not ask you the reason behind your blush when you check your What'sApp or BB.
3. Friends - "My friend is single - Let's hook you up"
Relatives - "My sister's cousin's brother in law's son is an eligible bachelor"
First thought -  Do I look unhappy being single? Or you want me to feel the same miseries you are failing?
Answer I usually give - Err.... Uhhhh......Not my type.
Ideal Answer -  For relatives just show them your monthly bills :P Esp in sale season!~
                          For friends - I still don't know. Guess it is time to look for a new gang! :P

To get completely rid of this situation one easy way out is to be with that Mr. Perfect on the white horse. But if that would have been that easy I wouldn’t have wasted my time writing all this! So, till that time "Liar Liar" is the way to go. :)

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