Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The (Tea tray) meetings~

To be honest, I have been really busy! (Part of the excuse for not writing :P )

Moved to a new city, had new set of friends, same job, so on and so forth.

But one thing that really took me by storm was - meeting guys whom my parents had chosen - for marriage. Sadly, my ex relationships were not meant for marriage, else I would have been spared the torture of ogling at pictures of "goggle" clad guys in tight jeans and shirts on matrimonial websites. My expressions after seeing those pics usually range from "seriously" to "Why me! God” I don't know where all the good guys in this country (Read North) are. May be they are already hooked / married / gays or not on the websites my parents visit.

Nevertheless, after lot of black box testing, kundli matching, family background check etc. etc. I got a chance to speak to two guys over the phone. Two different guys.

Meeting number 1:
Guy Type: Workaholic
Rating: 3/10

This guy had no idea what to talk to a girl and how to treat a woman! He spoke to me as if am his colleague and we are discussing an important project.

The excerpts of the conversation that happened over the phone are:

Me (M): Hey, wassup!
Guy (G): Hi, how are you?
<Usual greetings follow>
M: So...........You are the first guy I am talking to over the phone regarding this whole marriage thing. And I have no clue what to talk about....
G: Don't worry. I have spoken to number of girls. So, I work for a consulting firm X.
<For people who don't know me, I am in Human Resources. So, I am good in asking these profile related questions>
M: Oh that's nice. So, what is your domain, current project?
<For the next 2 hours, this guy spoke about his company. By the time he finished, I knew the entire vision, strategy, work flow and structure of the organization>
M: Very interesting. So, what all you like/ do in weekends?
<Another 1 hour about how he is shaping his career>
And after these grueling sessions, I had given up. I hung up the phone. And this guy ended the conversation by:
G: Have a nice stay in the new place.

I was like errr... Aren't we talking again? Not that I wanted to. Anyways, his mother called my mother asking us to meet since we are in the same city.

So, we met. Twice. And both the times after detailed industry analysis, he left me at the middle of the road at 9:00 PM. Chivalry? Hello! If I would have met you over a normal date, you wouldn't have done it right!

Meeting number 2:
Guy Type: Wolf in sheep's clothing
Rating: 2/10

This guy was very decent. In fact after speaking to him for 2 hours ( I love talking over the phone), my first reaction was such a genuine guy. During the conversation, he told me he doesn't drink/smoke/party/ wants a 9 to 6 job and wanted to stay with his parents. He wanted his sister to meet me. My reaction to this was errr...... umm.....

He was working in the same company as my very good friend. So, I called her up.

Me (M): Hey, Do you know this guy?
Friend (F): Please, don't marry him. He is a ch**.
M: What?
<So, in the next half an hour, I got to know how this guy is a complete tharki and a drunkard, hits on any girl he comes across, utterly boring guy in nutshell - a complete no.>

And you know, after all this has happened, I couldn't help but think -

1. Why can't these guys be honest and accept who they are at the first place?
2. Just because you are meeting me through parents, you don't bother to woo me?
3. I am an independent, smart, young, educated woman. Why is it so difficult to accept that? And why marriage is the only goal?

I do not have answers to these questions. They just come up and I rant~